How to get your FREE APPRAISAL
We provide one free brief appraisal (one item) via email (not including stone artifacts or fine art) and charge $20 per item for additional email appraisals. The fee is refundable on any items that are sold or consigned to the gallery. Additionally, we offer a full page photo appraisal document on letterhead for $125 per item fee. Please contact the gallery for more information. For either type of appraisal after the initial free appraisal pre-payment by Credit Card or PayPal (to us at is appreciated.
1. If local, call the Gallery for an in-gallery personal appointment. We will be happy to look at the item(s) and give you a free appraisal of your item(s) including both insurance and current market values. Call 800-579-0860 or 949-497-5747 to schedule an appointment.
2. By Email (preferred): Send to our gallery email:
a. Provide quality photos, measurements, and brief description of each item (signature, condition, etc.).
b. PLEASE REDUCE JPG PHOTO FILE SIZES TO UNDER 500 KB Per Image (100kb-500kb is fine)
c. Provide a brief description of what you would like us to do: Free Appraisal, Paid Documented Insurance Appraisal, Purchase / Consignment offers. We will respond to you via email usually within 24 hours… and typically never later than 72 hours.
3. If sending photos By Regular Mail (USPS)
a. Provide quality photos, measurements, and brief description of each item (signature, condition, etc.).
b. Include a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) for photo and appraisal return. We can NOT respond if you do not provide an email address or a SASE.
c. Please include your name, return address, email address and phone number.
d. Provide a brief description of what you would like us to do: Free Appraisal, Paid Documented Insurance Appraisal, Purchase / Consignment offers.
Len Wood’s Indian Territory Inc. will provide professional appraisal services with full documentation suitable for estate and insurance purposes. Please contact the gallery for details.
Len Wood's Indian Territory, Inc. buys all American Indian art items of quality with a special interest in pre-1940 art and artifacts. For a quick assessment of your collection, please send photos and measurements to the gallery via email or regular email per instructions above and we will contact you with both consignment and cash offers.