05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Pair of Navajo Dolls: Male and Female (5"), c. 1970
5 inches
Two yarn dolls, fairly uncommon dolls to find. From a private collection.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Ho'o'te or Ahote "Whipper" (17"), c. 1960
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Antique Hopi Kachina: Honan "Badger" (17"), c. 1950-1960
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 17 inches
Large size, holding rattle and bow with cloth kilt and yarn attachments.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Antique Hopi Kachina: Corn Maiden, Route 66 Style (5.5"), c. 1940-1950
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
With early pigments and kaolin clay.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Antique Hopi Kachina: Zuni Shalako (12.5"), c. 1940-1950
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Antique Hopi Kachina: Large Kahaila "Hunter" (23"), c. 1940
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
Large kachinas such as these were often commissioned by Indian gallery owners for window displays. They are quite uncommon. The feathers on this doll have been restored.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Badger by Wally Grover, "1st Mesa '03" (12"), 2003
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
In excellent condition.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Koshare Clown "Satisfaction" by William Lucio (11"), 1999
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 11 inches
By Hopi/Zuni carver William Lucio, apprenticed to his uncle, famed Hopi clown carver Marlin Pinto. Black and white striped Koshare Clown, also known as the Hano Glutton, sitting with watermelon. The clowns depict anti-social behavior and serve as lessons for the Hopi youth.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Kachina: Zuni Clown by William Lucio, nephew of Marlin Pinto (3.5"), 1997
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 3 1/2 inches
Depicting a small clown in a business suit, this is a classic example of Indian humor as this clown usually mimics the white man to entertain the crowd at ceremonies.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Homahtoe "Angry" by Ronald Honyumptewa (12.25"), 1995
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Koshare Koyala "Clown" (16"), 1995
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Kachina: Navajo Yei-Bei-Chai (8.5"), 1995
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 8 1/2 inches
A rarely-seen Navajo Yei-Bei-Chi doll. Also known as the "blue faced dancer," the Yei-Bei-Chi is the primary deity of the Navajo. Unlike many Navajo Hopi-style kachina dolls which are not traditional, this Yei-Bei-Chi is the traditional figure in Navajo religious belief.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Shaliko Taka and Mana Katsinam by John Piestewa (16.5"), 1993
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 16 1/2 inches
John Piestewa is a featured and listed Hopi carver in Gregory Schaaf's publication, "Hopi Katsina: 1,600 Artist Biographies," page 244.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Navajo Kachina by G. Yazzie Jr.: "Hovanaya" Shalako, Carved Alabaster (11" ht x 4.25" w x 3.5" l), 1993
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Monster Woman (15"), 1980
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 15 inches
A large and impressive doll.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Antique Hopi Kachina: Dew-Drinking Male Butterfly Kachina by Poleyestewa (13")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Double Hopi Kachina: Bighorn/Ram and Deer, One-Piece Style, by Valjean Lalo (13.25")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 13 1/4 inches
Signed "Valalo."
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi "Tippy" Sun Kachina by A.L. Sahmie 10", 12" /w Feathers c.1970s
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Badger by Coolidge Roy Jr. (8")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: BOOK-PUBLISHED Mooitkunkata "Yucca Skirt" by Keith Torres (15")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
Featured on page 321 of Gregory Schaaf's publication, "Hopi Katsina: 1,600 Artist Biographies" (CIAC American Indian Art Series, Volume Seven). Acclaimed Hopi carver Keith Torres (b. 1963), whose work is sought after across the world, was born and raised at First Mesa and is part of the Coyote and Fire clans. His work is known for their unique bases and unique portrayals. He learned to carve from his uncle, Edward Poleahla, and has won a plethora of awards such as First Place in 1996 at the Gallup Ceremonial. Keith takes a very active part in First Mesa ceremonies and his work incorporates much of his intimate knowledge of Hopi religious ceremonies.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Book-Published Uhuhu "Scavenger" with Mudhead by Keith Torres (14 1/4")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
Featured on page 321 of Gregory Schaaf's publication, "Hopi Katsina: 1,600 Artist Biographies" (CIAC American Indian Art Series, Volume Seven). The Scavenger kachina is a rare figure who depicts a looter of the ruins of Awatovi. Located on Antelope Mesa, Awatovi was destroyed by rival factions from other villages who opposed the adoption of Catholicism into the tribe. One legend has it that it eats everything in its path, especially Koyemsi and Koshari clowns. It is always on a relentless search for "food" and the clowns fear it. The story does have a happy ending, however, as the clowns always escape and the Scavenger has to look elsewhere for food.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Chief, Second Mesa, by Raynard Nasingoetewa (8.5")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Crazy Rattle by S. Jackson (10")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Hochani "Chief" by Sandra Suhu (12")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Honan "Older Badger" by Philander Shelton (15")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Kavai-i "Horse" by Thomas Fredericks (11")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
Well-executed example of the less commonly carved horse kachina.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Koroasta "Dress" by Hershel Talashoma Jr. (9.25")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Koroasta "Dresser" by Watson Namoki (5.75")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Koyemsi "Mudhead" (9.75")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Kuwan Heheya by Raymond Chee (4.75")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Lenang "Flute," One-Piece Style, by Ros George (11.5")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
Master carver Ros George is one of about 20 carvers profiled in the 1985 Theda Bassman book, "Hopi Kachinas and Their Carvers." He does all his carving with a pocket knife and detail work with a razor blade knife.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Mockingbird (10")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 10 inches
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Mountain Lion by Stewart Lanza (11")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
One foot is glued to the base, as pictured.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Mudhead (10.5")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 10 1/2 inches
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Polik Mana "Butterfly Maiden" by Jonathan Day, Sr. (18")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
Jonathan Day, Sr. is featured on pages 80-81 of Gregory Schaaf's publication, "Hopi Katsina: 1,600 Artist Biographies" (CIAC American Indian Art Series, Volume Seven), along with many examples of his works. He is well-known in the kachina collector's market as a highly talented Hopi kachina carver. He is the recipient of many prestigious awards. Schaaf writes: "Jonathan Day is best known for his sculptural style Katsina carvings. 'I like to carve katsinas the way I see them, and I try to be as realistic as I can. Sometimes I sit for a couple of hours thinking about what I am going to make, what kind of stance I want the doll to have, where I saw the Katsina last, and what it was doing in the dance. I have a spiritual feeling for the dolls as I am carving ... I expect the Katsina dolls to come out nice ... The dolls today are a different form of art rather than the traditional Hopi carved doll.' NDN Arts recorded: 'Jonathan was born in the Hopi village of Hotevilla, Arizona. He attended college in California for a while before working as a carpenter. Jonathan decided to return home to the reservation. He is married with three children. In 1980 he started carving full time. He is known for his ability to bring out the grain of the wood. Sculpture pose is the style he likes to carve because that is the way the Kachinas look when they are dancing. The artist spends time looking at the wood before carving to decide what Kachina would look best and how it will look. He believes that the Kachina has a soul and spirit when it is finished" (81).
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: White Bear by Preston Ami (9")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 9 inches
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: White Bear, Black Bear at Base, by Milton Howard (9")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
White bear kachina is a healing kachina.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Kachina: Zuni Hoho Mana "Maiden" by Watson Namoki (6")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Hopi Koshare Clowns in Trees Kachina by Priscilla Augoh 20" c.1990s
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Huge Vintage Hopi Deer Kachina by Master Carver Ros George 20" c.1980s
One finger broken on right hand, two fingers broken and glued on left hand, otherwise in excellent condition.
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Large Vintage Hopi Dual Snow & Corn Maiden Kachina by Wilmer Kay 12"
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Large Vintage Hopi White Bear Kachina by Master Carver Alvin Navasie 13" c.1980s
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Miniature Hopi Kachina: Death Fly (1.5")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Miniature Hopi Kachina: Ogre by B. Yanez (1.75")
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root, 1 3/4 inches
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Navajo Kachina: Toson Koyemsi "Mudhead" by Yazzie Family (10")
Cottonwood root, 10 inches
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Pair of Dolls from the Thomas E. Mails Collection: Grass Dancers, with Prize Ribbon (15")
Ribbon reads, "First Premium, Coconino County Fair."
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Seven Piece Set of Hopi Kachinas and One Pueblo Mother Carving: Route 66
Hand Carved and Painted Cottonwood Root
05 - Kachinas and Dolls, Sioux Doll: Grass Dancer on Wood Stand (12.5")
11 3/4"h + 3/4"h stand
With minor damage as pictured. Complete and intact, this is a uncommonly seen example.