02 - Indian Baskets, Fine Antique Panamint Basketry: c. 1890 Polychrome Olla, Vertical Motif (5.25" ht x 6" w), c. 1890
Willow, Redbud, Devils claw
Very fine weave with multiple vertical motif. About 30 stitches per inch. Red Joshua tree root, willow, and devil's claw seed pod. Excellent condition.
02 - Indian Baskets, Antique Hupa Basketry: c. 1920 Oval Tray, (5.5" l x 4.5" w) , c. 1920
02 - Indian Baskets, Hopi Basketry: c. 1940 Traditional Ring Basket (12.5" d), c. 1940
This Hopi plaited ring basket of the early to mid 20th century is one of the few basket forms virtually unchanged in form and technique from the Hopis prehistoric ancestors 1,500 years ago. It is used in meal preperation as a sifter, winnowing tray and general utility basket.
02 - Indian Baskets, Miniature Pima Basketry: c. 1930-40 Tray, Negative Color, Whirlwind Motif (1 1/4" d), c. 1930-1940
Willow and Devil's claw
This basket comes from a private estate collection of 127 miniature Pima baskets from Casas Grandes, AZ. The original owners a few generations back had a general store in Casas Grandes.
02 - Indian Baskets, Antique Tlingit (Alaska) Basketry: c. 1880 Polychrome (5.5" ht x 9.5" d), c. 1880
Needs minor gluing, as pictured. Price available upon request.